Invoice Options: General

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Go to Invoice > Invoice Options > General tab

Hover the mouse over the different menu options. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor), then click to go to the subject.

WorkshopStock ItemsSupplierCustomerQuotesLedgerInvoiceEmployeecompanyFileSales OverviewGift CardInvoice OptionsInvoice ExtraRecurring Invoice LookupCashUpNew Credit NoteCredit Note LookupInvoice LookupNew InvoiceInvoice_Main_Menu


Hover the mouse over the different fields on the form. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor) , click to get more information

Maximum % On Account AllowedPayment ProviderDisable Payment TypesTotal Markup Use LastAllow Item LookupRestrict Customer List ...Allow Combined Till CashupAllow selling below costDefault CurrencyPayment LabelsAsk save unknown barcodeTouchCredit NoteEmailLabelAssign TillMiscellaneousMessage On ReportHardwarePrintAllow Partial MatchShow MarkupCash Up ModeScale BarcodeUse Scale BarcodesInvoice TypeLimit Non- CashLimit Maximum ChangeItem Lookup DefaultForce ScanningShow Stock On HandCash ModeInvoice Default TypeRoundingReset PricesDefault Invoice DiscountMaximum Invoice DiscountSales PersonLocal SettingInvoice_Options_General

Please note that all Local Settings have a green background and Server Settings a blue background.

Local Settings are computer-specific; you must define the setting for each computer on your network. The server settings are applied to all PCs on the network.





Allow sell item below cost.

This option will be ignored if item is On Special.

Allow sell item with zero cost.

Sell the item even if the cost is zero.

Allow below group minimum markup.

Sell the item even if the price is below the Minimum Markup.

Allow discount on items on special.

Round on account.

Round due down to.

Type in the amount you want to round to, e.g., 50 cents. If you also want to round the on-account amount, select Round On Account.

(Note: you can round all prices in your database; go to Stock > Stock Options and click on the Pricing tab)


limit Non-Cash (credit cards etc.) payments to due

Limit the maximum change to, for example, $100. If the change exceeds this amount, a message will be displayed on the invoice stating, "Change: More than allowed (100.00)," and you won't be able to process the invoice.

Maximum % On account Allowed

The maximum percentage that the customer may place on the account.

There is a supervisor override on the invoice. Select the Extra button on the invoice to override the percentage.

Code Scanning

Scale barcode

Select the Checkbox if you are using scale barcodes.


Show stock on hand (SOH)

There is a "Stock on Hand" (SOH) column available in the Quote, Job Card, and Invoice forms. If you prefer not to display this column, you can disable it by adjusting the settings:

    Quote Options > General tab

    Workshop Options > General tab

    Invoice Options > General tab

For a definition of Stock On Hand go to the Stock Main Form > General tab.

Use previous invoice date instead of current date

Instead of using the system date for the invoice you can use the previous invoice date.

Hide Prices

No price will be displayed on invoice.

Use customer representative instead of logged in user.

Salesperson (Representative):

By default, the salesperson displayed on the invoice is the currently logged-in user.

However, you can change it here (Invoice Options > General tab) to the salesperson listed on the Customer's Profile.

There is a security setting that can prevent anyone from changing the salesperson.

Force scanning.

The Select Customer drop-down box on the invoice will be disabled, requiring the use of a loyalty card to select a customer. Use the F10 button to scan the customer

Show markup, profit and gross profit (GP).

Show Markup, Profit, and Gross Profit: Select if you want to display the Markup and Profit columns on invoices, quotes, and job cards.

The Markup and Gross Profit (GP) percentage can be edited on the Invoice form.  To prevent changes go to Security Settings and deselect Price Changes.

Restrict Customer List To Invoice Branch.

The invoice branch (Invoice >Customer More tab) is determined by the default branch as set in the Company > Branch form. Only customers from this branch will be displayed. The customer branch can be set in the Customer > Financial Info tab.

Allow Item Lookup.

When this option is deselected, stock items cannot be searched for or selected manually within the invoice form. This feature can be useful if you prefer to mandate barcode scanning by employees for added efficiency and accuracy.

Total markup use last purchase cost.

Total Markup Use Last Purchase cost:

This will change calculation of the MU% and GP% at the bottom of the form to be based on the Last Purchase Cost just like the column "MU% (Last Purchase Cost)".

This option will not affect the line price on the form.





Keywords: Allow Combined Till Cashup,Discount - Invoice Options,EFT - Direct Bank,Gross Profit,Group Minimum,Invoice Options,Limit Maximum Change On Invoice,Limit Non-Cash Payments to Due,Markup,Maximum % On account Allowed,Maximum Change Allowed,Reset Prices,Restrict Cusomer List To Invoice Branch,Restrict Customer List To Invoice Branch.,Rounding,Sell Below Cost,Show Markup/Profit,Show Stock On Hand - Invoice