Customer Equipment

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Customer Equipment

Customer equipment refers to the items or assets linked to a customer within the Smart-It+ (SI) system. This includes vehicles, machinery, or any other equipment that the customer owns and may need servicing or maintenance.


Go to Customer Main Form and select Customer Equipment


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Hover the mouse over the different fields on the form. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor) , click to get more information.

Mandotory FieldsCloseTransfer EquipmentInternal Job CardDelete the item.Save the dataBin locationSelect the branch to useAdd templatesAdd locationsChange field names
Customer Equipment

Customer Equipment


Three Methods To Add a New Item

Add Item

1. Add Item (New Service Item)

Click Add Item to create a new service item.

The word "New" will appear in the description field—replace it with a meaningful name (e.g., Hilux 2.5).

Assign an Item Code, such as the vehicle’s registration number.

Complete other details like Make, Model, etc.


New Item For Stock Item

2. Add an existing Stock Item as a Service Item.

Use this option to add an existing stock item as a service item.

Select the stock item and click New Item for Stock Item.

The custom fields from the Main Inventory form (Additional Info tab) will be included.

You can modify fields like Make, Model, Registration No., and Engine No. to match the inventory details.


New Item Based On Template

3. New Item Based on Template.

Use this method to create a new item using a predefined template.

1. Click the Green Plus Button (Green_Plus_sign) to create a template.

2. Name the template and fill in the relevant fields.

3. Select the template and click New Item Based on Template to add the item..


Customization Options

Rename labels: Click the Edit Label Button graphic .

Add equipment directly to a Job Card: Use the Job Card Equipment Tab.

Set mandatory fields: Go to Workshop Options > Required form.


Viewing Customer Equipment

To see a list of customer equipment:


Workshop > Service Item Lookup

Customer > Extra > Service Item Lookup

Keywords: Customer Equipment,Equipment Properties,Internal Job Card