Navigate to Job Card Lookup, right-click, and choose 'New Job based on this job ...,' or go to the main menu and select New Job Card.

You can use a specific job card as a template in Workshop Options.


Watch the video: How to use the Workshop Module - Tutorial

Hover the mouse over the different menu options. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor), then click to go to the subject.

Security setuptabsUnlock monitorQuick addcalendarDashboardCompanyEmployeeQuoteStock ItemsSupplierCustomerLedgerInvoiceFileAdding a job cardOptionsLabourExtraService FeedbackService Item LookupJob DetailLookupWorkshop_Menu

      Arrow_Blue         Arrow_Blue

Hover the mouse over the different fields on the form. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor), click to get more information.

New Production RunInvoice PrintBranch SelectJob StatusGreen PlusOrder RequiredAllow Select SerialRight ClickMain TechnicianWhatsAppSecurity LockTime EstimatePaymentTaxDeletePrint Detail on Job CardCredit AvailableCancelActive Job CardReady For CollectionAvailableProfitCan Be FilledAuotomatically MarkedSavePrint PreviewDepost PaidDocument NumberSMSService FeedbackTrade InReturn ButtonMass InfoWarehouseSOHMU & GP%Summary BarEquipmentFreehandUnitPlus SignTermsCredit LimitService ContractVATAdditional TabQuick SellGrid ReportGross ProfitItem LookupBarcodeQuick AddSelect ContactEmployeeCash or On AccountInternalClone ItemRefresh DescriptionMove Line UpSelect PriceInsert HeadingOpen ItemDeleteDocument ImagingExtraInvoicePrint ExtraJob_Card_Add


To print a pro forma invoice, select Print Pro Forma from the Print Extra menu.


Labour Breakdown.

If a stock item is marked as Labour, you can then split it between different employees. Example: Employee 1 could have worked for 30 minutes and employee 2 for 60 minutes.

You can mark a stock item specifically  as a labour item on the Stock Main Form > Additional Info Tab.

The effect of this is that you can divide the work on the job card between different employees. Example: Employee 1 could have worked for 30 minutes and employee 2 for 60 minutes.

You can also keep track of the actual minutes booked and minutes worked.


NoteHours OvertimeHours WorkedHours BookedWS_LabourBreakdown

In the Workshop Options > General form, you can change the names, "Minutes Booked" and "Minutes Worked" to whatever you want.

For a summary report and detail, go to Workshop > Labour


Menu Bar


Print Extra

You can print a work card, a pro forma invoice, or a picking list.


Directly convert the job card to an invoice.

Invoice Print.

View, print, or email the associated invoice for this completed job card.

Doc Image(0)

You can attach images by clicking on the Doc. Image button on the Main Job Card form. Images can be attached and send with an Invoice by setting it under Workshop > Options > Printing tab - Attach scanned images to email


 Job Card Label

Print a label for this job. Create a custom label by selecting "Workshop Options > Printing."


The SMS form will open. For information on how to use the SMS form, click here.

 Service Feedback

Obtain an evaluation of your work performance. For more information, click here.

 Create A Purchase Order

Create a purchase order for the items that are short.

 Create Quote

Create a quote from this job card.

 Open Quote

If the job card came from a quote then you can open the associated quote

You can access the related quote if the job card was derived from one.

 Customer Payment/Deposit

The "Receive Payment Module" will open, and you can fill in the payment amount. The ‘Deposit Amount’ field in the additional tab will be automatically populated with the payment amount.

 Import Detail From XLSX/CSV

Import the stock items.

 Update All Prices

Refresh all prices if changes have been made.

 Override Credit Limit

 Allow Below Cost

Allow selling the item below cost

 Allow Below Minimum Markup

 Allow Negative Stock


An invoiced job card can be undone by using the reserve function. The job card will become active again, and the associated invoice will be deleted.


Right-click On the Row


Insert Heading Line

A heading line could serve as an information line or could be used as a blank line to distinctively separate various stock groups.





You can manipulate prices by changing the markup % on each line.

The Maximum percentage indicator will change colour should the amount be lower than the allowed percentage. Set it in Workshop Options.

Unit Cost Actual & Line Total Cost Actual

The cost price in this column can be adjusted to any value for internal use only. SI does not make any entries with this value. The "Line Total Cost Actual" is displayed in both the Stock Turnover and Analysis tabs.



Additional Info Tab: Click to add additional info such as internal notes, memos, status types, etc.

Equipment Tab:       Click to add service equipment.

Freehand Detail Description Tab: You can replace the job card detail line items with this freehand typed description.

Payment Tab: To add the payment detail.


New Job For This Customer: You can add a job card for a specific customer from the customer lookup or job card lookup form by right-clicking on the customer.




Security Settings Available.

Can only view own.

View Restricted subset.  (You can't see the fields)

Job Card:                    Profit, Markup and Cost won't show.

Job Card Detail:         Average Cost won't show

Edit Restricted.  (You can see the fields but you can't edit it)

Job Card:                    Comeback of Job No.



Uncheck if an employee group is not allowed to cancel a job card.

Keywords: Comeback,Document Images,Freehand Job Card,Gross Profit,Job Card Add,Job Card Reverse (Menu Bar Extra),Labour Breakdown,Line Total Cost Actual,Minutes Booked,Minutes Worked,Pro Forma Invoice - Jobcard,Reverse a Completed Job Card,Service Feedback,SMS,Unit Cost Actual,WhatsApp,Workshop Add