Add or Edit Employees

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Add and configure the users/employees whom are allowed to access the company file.

Watch the video: Employee and Security Settings - Tutorial

Go to Employee > Add Employee

Hover the mouse over the different menu options. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor), then click to go to the subject.

Security Setup GeneralOpen HelpTabsUnlock MonitorQuick AddCalendarDashboardQuick_Access_Menu

Payslip SummaryExtraTime Clock LookupClock In/OutCompanyQuotesWorkshopStock ItemsSuppliersCustomerLedgerInvoiceFileEmployee OptionsChange PasswordNew Payment RunAdd EmployeeLookupEmployee_Main_Menu


To edit information of an employee go to Employee > Lookup and right-click on the employees' name whom you wish to edit.


Auto LogoutCustom Employee FieldsLeaveDeductions & earningsDocument ImagesDeleteSaveFingerprint RegistrationPasswordAt LoginEmployee numberWarehouse selectSecurityGreen PlusBranchPrice LevelConversationEmail: Used by Pay SlipsEmployee_Personal

All fields marked in red must be populated (compulsory fields).



Please remember to give each employee a Password and link them to a Security Group. Employees can change their passwords at a later date by going to Employee > Change My Password.


How can I reset my lost password.

On the log in screen, double click the SI+ logo. It will now ask for a day pass. Please contact Smart IT to get the day pass.

After you type in the day pass you can go to employees and change the password.

At  Login

You can setup which forms should automatically open when the employee logs in.

For example : If the Invoice form must open after login - check the Open Invoice Checkbox.

Tick the Open Only Invoice Checkbox if you want to disable the menu options.

Tick the Open Dashboard Checkbox if this employee has permission to see the dashboard.

Tick the Open Touch Invoice if the Touch Invoice must open automatically after login.

Tick the Open Only Touch Invoice Checkbox if the Touch Invoice must open automatically after login and you want to disable the rest of the menu options

Info Block


Customer Conversation About

If you add a conversation in the Main Customer Form the About Column will automatically reflect this selection for this employee.

Set the About fields in Company > Extra >Table Maintenance

Employee Default Branch

Select the Branch to which this employee belongs. This option is used in conjunction with the multi-warehousing module. If this employee does any invoicing, journal entries etc. this branch will be selected by default.

Employee Email Address

This email will be used to send out pay slips.

Auto Logout

After x minutes of inactivity, the worker is automatically logged out. In the Employee Options form, change the logout minutes and whether forms should also close. 






Keywords: Auto Logout,Branch Default,Coversation About,Default Branch - Employee,Employee Default Branch,Employee Email Address,Employees Add / Edit,Fingerprint Registration,Forms that can open automatically at start-up,Password,Password Reset,Security Groups,Warehouse Employee