Quotes are used to send customers price quotations. If the quote gets accepted, it can be converted into an invoice, sales order or job card.

Watch the video: How to Use the Quote Module - Tutorial

Go to Quote / Sales Order > Quote Lookup and click on the New Quote button.

Hover the mouse over the different menu options. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor), then click to go to the subject.

CompanyEmployeeWorkshopStock ItemsSupplierCustomerLedgerInvoiceFileSales Order OptionsPack sales OrderAllocate StockSales Order DetailNew Sales OrderSales Order LookupQuote OptionsQuote DetailNew QuoteLookupgraphic


Hover the mouse over the different fields on the form. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor) , click to get more information.

Total Due RoundingCustomer Quote SelectTrade-InReturn ButtonInternal Notecost Price Per UnitSecurity SettingsColour CodesGP and MUGlobal StockReservedAvailableWarehouseQuote NoFollow-up DateProfitFreehandWeightPlus SignUnitSOHCustomer Price LevelWonDate CompletedVAT TypeGross ProfitGreen PlusStatusSearch RowSummary BarCompletedExtra TabExtraPrintEmailCancelTransfer QuoteConvert to InvoiceSave the DataGrid ReportItem LookupBarcodeTemplateSelect ContactEmployeeSimilar ItemsQuick Open First ImageRefresh DescriptionDelete LineSelect PriceInsert HeaderMove LineOpen InventoryCustomerQuick AddConversationsDocument ImageCash or On AccountQuote_Add


Colour codes for different stock items.

The row colour changes according to the type of item.

- Trade In, Special Active, Discount item, BOM, Return, etc.



MU% Column:

If you adjust the markup percentage for an item in the quote, the difference will be reflected in the quote's discount percentage column.


Line Total Inclusive for Discount:

Enter a value in this column to automatically calculate and display the discount percentage given to the customer in the discount column.

This column is available in Quote, Sales Order and Job Card.





You can print a quote in the shop for a customer. The customer can take the quote and goods to a cash up till. The cash up till can click on Invoice From and convert the quote to an invoice.

If you don't want to display the Markup and Profit columns, see Invoice > Invoice Options > General Tab

There is a setting under 'Quote Options' that may be toggled to allow you to choose inactive clients.




Keywords: Colour Codes,Document Images,Email,Freehand Description,Import a Quote,Labels,Order No,Picking List,Picking Slip,Price Chane - Security Quote,Quote,Transfer