General Ledger: VAT (Value added Tax)

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To print and capture your VAT for a specific period.

Go to Ledger > Tax Report

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Value Added Tax (VAT) Report in SI+

The VAT Report allows businesses to generate and review VAT calculations for a selected period.


Deferred VAT TransactionsVAT



Show Report will open the following form, if your tax system is not South African the Summary tab will open.




1. Generating the VAT Report

Select your VAT period dates.

Click Show Report to generate the VAT summary.


If your VAT system is not South African, the Summary tab will open instead.

Transactions not captured in previous periods will be included in the selected period.


2. Capturing VAT Data for the Period

Once the report is reviewed:

1.Click "Click to Capture Data for This Period".

2.SI+ will generate a period number for this specific VAT capture, starting from 1.

3.All VAT transactions in the General Ledger Detail will be assigned this period number.

4.The VAT Reconciliation column in the GL Detail will reflect this number.


3. Posting VAT Data

After capturing VAT data:


An Adjustment Journal will be created.

If everything is correct, click Post to finalize the journal.


Accounting impact:


VAT Input & Output figures will be transferred to the VAT Control account.

When VAT is paid, the contra account will be VAT Control, ensuring a balance of zero after tax payment.




To reverse the captured data, use the Delete Button. Remember, the journal that was made during the Capture will not be reversed this must be done by hand - see corrections



Keywords: Deferred VAT Transactions,Tax Report,VAT Report