Stock Options: General

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Go to: Stock > Stock Options - General tab

Hover the mouse over the different menu options. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor), then click to go to the subject.

Suppliers With Stock To OrderHelpSecurity SetupTabsUnlock MonitorQuick AddCalendardashboardCompanyEmployeeQuoteWorkshopSupplierCustomerLedgerInvoiceFileRTS LookupGoods ReceivingGRN LookupPO LookupNew RTSNew POPurchase PlanningExtraStock GroupsStock TakeStock AdjustmentsStock OptionsStock TurnoverItem LookupExtended Item LookupStock DetailNew ItemStock Main Menu


General Inventory Options

Hover the mouse over the different fields on the form. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor) , click to get more information.

Expiry DateScheduled Stock Level CheckAllow Select Serial numberNew DefaultsPricingWarehouse TransferRTSGRNPurchase OrderPrintingRecommended Retail PriceRecipe ItemWarehouse stock levelsAllow Stock Item To Have Input Sales TaxChange Unit Calc QtyUse fast but lessNSI require cost priceGlobal Unique Serial NumbersStrict Serial NumberAuto PrintStrict BoMAllow NegativeUse Suggested MinMaxLocal settingRefresh on OpenStock_Options_General


General Tab

Stock Properties - Description

Allow negative stock

When this checkbox is selected, the system will permit inventory to be issued even if the quantity on hand is negative. This situation can occur for various reasons, such as inventory being sold before it is received. However, it is not a recommended practice.


Recommendation: It is advisable to disallow negative quantities. SI+ generates transactions that move stock from the inventory account to the cost of sales account at the moving average cost. If this cost is inaccurate, it will distort your profit figures and the value of your inventory.


Correction: You can correct this imbalance by comparing your stock control account in the general ledger with your actual stock. Determine the difference between the two values and make the necessary adjustments with a general ledger entry.

You can get the actual stock values from Stock | Extended Stock Lookup.


Special Provision: Special provision has been made for you to allow a sales order to be booked out negatively by using the Sales Order > Extra menu.


Auto Print on Stock Adjustment

If selected a report will automatically print if you do a stock adjustment.

NSI - require cost price

Non stock item. To force the user to enter a Cost Price if a Non Stock Item is used in the Invoice form.

Use fast but less accurate stock level calculation

The default setting is deselected.

Use this method exclusively if you have a large number of Bill of Material (BOM) and Recipe items, and if printing at the tills is slow.

This method directly adjusts the Stock On Hand quantities by adding or subtracting the quantities invoiced, rather than calculating them from the Stock Detail tables.


Caution: There is a risk that if the same item is sold from different tills simultaneously, one of the sales may not be updated correctly.


Application: This method is only used for invoicing, credit note processing, and recipe item processing. It is not used for GRV, RTS, and Stock Take processing. If stock quantities are incorrect, they will be corrected during the GRV, RTS, and Stock Take procedures as the quantities are re-calculated each time.


Best Practice: To maintain accurate stock levels, it is recommended to manually re-calculate the quantities sporadically and before stock-taking. To do this, go to Company > Data Health & Maintenance and select Recalc Stock Prices and Levels.


Change Unit Cal Qty

See: Cost and Selling Prices

Use Suggested Min/Max Levels

If this checkbox is selected then you can't change the values in the Main Stock Form

Allow stock item to have input sales tax type

If selected, this option allows you to change the VAT on Sales, that is usually restricted to output taxes only, to an input tax. (Stock Main form > Additional Info tab)

Example: If you rent out office space and pass on the electricity charges to your tenant, you may want both the electricity expense you paid and the amount recovered from the tenant to be recorded in the same general ledger expense account, such as Electricity—especially if selling electricity is not your primary business. You can now change the output VAT to input VAT, ensuring that both the electricity bill you paid and the invoice issued to the tenant are posted under the Electricity expense account.. (Stock > Inventory Groups). (Stock > Inventory Groups)


Another example is selling a battery and then buying back the scrap battery on the same invoice.In this case, you can also convert the trash battery's output tax into an input tax.


Serial Numbers

Strict serial number tracking

If selected then:

Serial numbers cannot be changed on the Serial Number Lookup form.

The correct serial number must be entered on the invoice form.


If Not Selected:

You can manually enter your own serial number on the invoice form.


Global unique serial numbers

This option must be selected to make sure that all serial numbers are unique.

Allow select serial number

This will allow you to select the serial number from a drop down list (look for "...") on the invoice and job card.

Serial Expiry Date

If chosen, the expiry date column will appear on the Goods Receipt form when serial number goods are received, and you can enter the expiry date in the column.

BOM Options

Strict BOM

If selected, then you won't be allowed to change the Bill Of Material if the stock on hand is 1 or more.

Recipe Item

The invoice warehouse will override the warehouse as specified in the bill of material. The Invoice warehouse is on the Invoice Customer / More tab.

Production Run - Approval Required

Select if the Bill of Material Production Run needs approval.

Reserve BoM Components

The items will be marked as reserved and can't be sold.

Default Warehouse For Stock Levels

Select between the employees default warehouse or the global warehouse.

Add Item Lookup

Refresh on open

Select if you want to refresh the Item Lookup form every time that you change the items information or add an item.


Local Setting Server Setting

Please note that all Local Settings have a green background and Server Settings a blue background.

Local Settings is specific to a computer, you must thus specify the setting for each computer on your network. Server Settings apply to all the computers on the network.



Keywords: Allow Negative Stock,Allow Select Serial Number,Allow Sell Item Below Cost,Allow Stock Item to have Input Sales Tax Type,Attributes - Set Security,Bill of Material Options,Default Invoice Discount,Default Warehouse for Stock Levels,Expiry Date,Force Scanning of Customer,Global unique serial numbers,Lookup - Refresh,Maximum Invoice Discount,Negative Stock - Allow,Non Stock Item: default cost to zero on invoice.,Non Stock Item: require cost price,Production Run - Approval Required,Quick Add Item - Set Security,Recipe Item,Save Unknown Barcode,Scale Barcodes,Security for Atributes,Security for Quick Add Item,Serial Number Expiry Date,Show Stock On Hand,Stock Adjustment - Auto Print,Stock Options,Strict BOM (bill of material),Strict Serial No Tracking,Warehouse Default,Warehouse for Recipe Items