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Aim: To automatically update the Dealer's (Franchisee's) inventory with the Head Office's (Franchisor's) inventory data, including descriptions, prices, inventory groups, etc. This enables the dealer to view the stock levels at Head Office. Purchase orders made by the Dealer will automatically display as a Sales Order at Head Office. Additionally, stock levels of all branches/dealers can be viewed.


siLink PricelistsiLink PublishOrderssiLink Sales DatasiLink Stock LevelssiLink_Sync

Select the Sync. button to synchronise (export) your data with the dealer.

Select the Sync. Orders Only button to import all the Purchase Orders from the dealer as a Sales Order into your system.


Steps Head Office (Franchisor) must take to enable this feature.


Step 1. Select the Publish Tab and type in the API key. The API key is supplied by Smart-It and is done only once.

Step 2. Select the price list and price level you want to upload to the dealer.

Step 3. Enable siLink for each Dealer whom should receive the updates.

             Open the Customer Main Form for the specific customer (dealer), select the Custom Tab and then select Enable siLink. See image below.




The API key is generated automatically and must be sent to the dealer (franchisee).

The dealer must enter the API Key in the Supplier Main Form (See steps the dealer is required to take)

After generating the API key, you must synchronise your data by clicking on the Sync button. See the first image.


Steps the Dealer (Franchisee) is required to take to enable this feature.


Step 1. (Action only needed to be performed once).

Add the Franchisor (Head Office) as a Supplier

Open the Main Supplier Form. Select the siLink Tab and select Enable siLink (see image below).

Type in the API key as supplied by the Franchisor. This is done only once.



Step 2. Open the siLink Form. Go to: Company | siLink

Step 3. Select the Sync button in the Sync tab to update your data.



If the dealer makes out a Purchase Order to the Supplier (Franchisor), and Enable siLink is selected on the Main Supplier Form, .the purchase order will be automatically exported to the Franchisor. On the Franchisor's side, this purchase order will be imported as a sales order.


The sales order will only be generated after the Franchisor updates their data by clicking the Sync button in the siLink form.


See also linking branches in different locations.

Keywords: API Key,Discontinued,Export Stock - Franchisor,Franchisee,Franchisor,Head Office,Price List,siLink