Watch the videos: Lookups Grid Reports How to email invoices
The Invoice Lookup form displays a list of all invoices. This form allows you to bulk print invoices and send bulk emails.
In theAnalysis tab, you can utilize pivot grids, summaries, and graphs.
•Only the previous 1000 invoices are displayed by default. You can increase this number by setting the records per page at the bottom of the form.
Go to Invoice > Invoice Lookup
Hover the mouse over the different menu options. If the cursor changes to a hand (), then click to go to the subject.
Hover the mouse over the different fields on the form. If the cursor changes to a hand () , click to get more information.
Explanation of Some Columns:
Most columns are self-explanatory, so we'll only discuss a few key columns here. Remember, you can hover your mouse over fields in the form to get additional information.
• Recurring Invoice: Displays the recurring invoice number if the invoice originated from a recurring invoice.
• Emailable: Will show a check mark if the Invoice column checkbox is selected on the customer form under the Contacts & Address Tab.
• Job card No.: Displays the job card number if the invoice originated from a Job Card.
• Quote No.: Shows the quote number if the invoice originated from a Quote.
• Discount Amt and %: Displays the discount amount if any discount was given.
• Edit Date: Displays the system date and time when the invoice was created.
• Payments Due: All invoices that are now due are displayed in red. The payment due date can be set on the invoice form under the payment tab.
Invoice Corrections
Right-click on the invoice you want to correct and select Change/Correct invoice.
Reports available on the Summary of Data Tab.
1. Compare Cash Sales against On Account sales
2. Compare Sales per Salesperson
3. Discount per salesperson (Usage - See which salesperson is giving the most discount - is his sales higher than the other salespersons that gives less discount?)
4. Sales per customer per date
5. Affect of Discount on Sales
Reports available from the Invoice Lookup Tab.
1. All invoices below a certain amount. (filter it per date range and Rep.)
Usage - To set a target that a salesperson must not have more than 10 invoices below $20 per month.
2. All Invoices where the discount % is higher than for e.g.10%
3. Sum of today's invoices.
4. Today's invoices.
5. This weeks invoices.
6. Show only credit notes.
7. All invoices with job cards.
8. All unpaid invoices.
9. Invoices not mailed this month.
10. Invoices that can't be mailed.
11. Show credit notes grouped by salesperson.
12. Total Spend.
Go to Invoice Lookup -- Right-click on the Customer Code Column and select Group by this Column or click on the analysis tab (Next to invoice Lookup) and select Sales per Customer or Sales Per Customer per Date.
You can also get the total spend on the Stock Turnover Form