Invoice Extra

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WorkshopStock ItemsSupplierCustomerQuotesLedgerInvoiceEmployeecompanyFileSales OverviewGift CardInvoice OptionsInvoice ExtraRecurring Invoice LookupCashUpNew Credit NoteCredit Note LookupInvoice LookupNew InvoiceInvoice_Main_Menu


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Invoice >Extra Menu

Invoice >Extra Menu

Lost Sales Register

Add a note about sales which you have lost due to not having stock.

Import Invoice/GRN

If you are a distributor you can export your invoices, email it to the dealer and the dealer can import your invoice as a GRN

3rd Party Finance Providers

Usage: A dealer sells a car to a customer but a third party is partly financing the transaction.

Invoice Stock Collection

This module keeps track of items taken by the customer and remaining items still due to the customer.

A typical scenario is where clients bought goods and then has to collect it in another location.

Invoice Stock Collection Lookup

Invoice Stock Collection Detail Lookup

Invoice Rules



Keywords: Lost Sales Register