Determining the Selling Price

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How to Calculate the Selling Price


Option 1: Use Group Pricing

The mark-up will be determined by the inventory group. Set the minimum and maximum markup under Stock Items >Stock (Inventory) Groups. If you want to set 'Use Group Pricing' as the default setting, go toStock > Stock Options and select the New Defaults tab.


Option 2: Fixed Pricing

1. Deselect the Use Group Pricing option.

2. Check the Fixed option graphic .

3 .Enter the selling prices. First, choose whether you want to use Exclusive or Inclusive prices graphic.


Option 3: Markup on Cost

Enter the minimum and maximum markup, then click on Spread Automatically or Manually input each markup.


Option 4: Special Prices

Specify the dates and the selling price. If you want to allow discounts on special prices, you must enable it in the Invoice Options.



Option 5: Volume Discount

If Volume Discount is enabled, it will override Price Levels (Buy X Get Y). To add a Volume Discount, click on the button (green plus sign) next to volume discount and fill in the fields.


For example, if you use volume discounts and the discount is configured so that if you sell 5 or more beers, you get a 15% discount. If you now sell a six-pack (6 beers), no discount is granted unless the Volume Discount: Use each quantity option is checked.


Option 6: Branch Specials

Branch specials are created for specific branches. As a result, different branches may offer unique promotions.


To set up these specials, manually input the start and end dates, as well as the prices, using this form.

If a general special exists, it will be ignored. Please note that if the usual price is lower than the branch special price, the regular price will be applied.


In the invoice's "Customer More" tab, you must also select the branch. This process can be automated by linking an employee to a branch in the Employee form.



See also: Discount Rules.

Keywords: Determining the Selling Price,How to Calculate the Selling Price