Stock Extra: Stock & Pricelist Import / Export

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Hover the mouse over the different fields on the form. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor) , click to get more information.

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Go to: Stock Items > Extra > Stock & Price List Import/Update


Importing or Exporting Data:

Use this module to create new stock items or update existing ones. You can import or export any data via Excel to make bulk updates or data changes.

Note: The first row in Excel must be used for the row headers.


To determine if an item already exists, the program checks the supplier and supplier code. If the combination does not exist, it will create a new item.





Fill in the form (see image below)

Update ExistingSelling PricesDefault New ItemPricelist SupplierItem MatchingMode Import StockBrowse for File
Stock & Pricelist Import/Update

Stock & Pricelist Import/Update


Default New Item Inventory Group:

If it is a new item and you did not specify a stock group in the Excel file, it will defaults to this Default Stock Group.

Select the rest of the columns as requested.


Rule 1

If an item does not exist in your database the following rules will apply.

(Stock code, barcode and supplier code (Supplier specific) must not exist in SI+)


Items will be added with all the relevant data as filled in, irrelevant if checkboxes are checked or not.


Prices  are optional, but if you fill it in, the following will be in force:

If you fill in Prices 1 to 10 (prices must be exclusive). The graphic will be unchecked on the Stock Form and prices will be imported into the Prices Exclusive row in the Stock Form.

If you only filled in Price 1 and Price 10 (rest are blank). graphic  will be unchecked and the rest of the prices (2 to 9) will be spread automatically between 1(lowest price) and 10(highest price).

If you do not want to import prices, leave the fields as they are.


If there is, for example 3 items in the Excel/CSV file with identical stock codes but different suppliers and inventory groups, then the last entry imported will be set as the preferred supplier and the last entry inventory group will be used. The other 2 will be added under Other Suppliers in the Stock Master Form


Rule 2

If an item does exist, the Item Code (depending on your choice in Item Matching) will be used to determine if the stock item exists, then only the fields that you have selected by selecting the Update Existing Column will be updated.

(Stock code (supplier specific) must be the same in SI+ and the CSV file).


Average Cost Price

Check the checkbox if you want to update the average cost price. The average cost price will only update if the Stock On Hand is zero.


Leave prices blank otherwise it will take the Group Pricing check off and replace all prices with the CSV files prices.


Note that the supplier code is linked to the supplier. If all 3 codes are the same in the CSV file and SI+, but the supplier differs, then the Supplier will be added. See Preferred Supplier and Other Suppliers on the Inventory Main Form. A list of stock items with multiple suppliers are available on the Purchase Planning Form under Inventory.


Export to Excel.

You can selectively export data by selecting, Supplier, Inventory Group (with or without Sub Groups) as well as a Brand Name


Select the Export button to start the process.

Data will be exported to My Documents > Smart-It. The folder will automatically open after the export.


If you want to export your images, Select the Export Images button. An images folder will be created in My Documents > Smart-It  > Images. See example below.





Import images from folder.


Use this option if you want to attach an image to an inventory item.

The name of the image must be the same as the Item Code, If the item has more than 1 image, then the next image name for the same item will be the same item code followed by a 2.





Keywords: Export Stock Data,Export Stock Images,Images Export/Import Stock,Import Stock Images