Goods Receiving: Extra Tab

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Goods Receiving >Extra Tab


Total Owed (Inclusive)MainGoods_Receiving_Extra _Tab



Extra Tab

Description of Fields

Receiving Warehouse

Warehouse that must receive the goods (Extra tab).



Total Owed (Incl.)

Type in the amount that is on the supplier's invoice this must be done before you type in the rest like discount % etc.

The 'Total Owed (Incl.)' amount is compared to the 'Total+Shipping Inclusive' amount. Any difference is shown in the 'Supp. Inv. Total Diff' field.This serves as an additional check to ensure the order was entered correctly.

Disc. %. (Excl.)

Type in the discount % and the other 2 fields will be calculated.

Disc. Amt. (Excl.)

Type in the amount and the other 2 fields will be calculated. You will use this if the supplier give you a certain amount of discount on his invoice. SI+ will spread the discount proportionally between the items.

Disc. Amt. (Incl.)

Type in the amount and the other 2 fields will be calculated. You will use this if the supplier give you a certain amount of discount on his invoice. SI+ will spread the discount proportionally between the items.
