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Go to File > Dashboard

Security Setup GeneralOpen HelpTabsUnlock MonitorQuick AddCalendarDashboardQuick_Access_Menu


CompanyEmployeeQuote & Sales OrdersWorkshopStock ItemSupplierCustomerGeneral LedgerInvoiceFile_Menu_Main

Go to the Employee Form and choose the employees who will have access to the dashboard.


                                                                                                                                     Default dashboard

Stock Value ReconciliationCash vs AccountSales OverviewFinancialCash PositionSelect a branchRefreshDashboard_Default


Click the Edit button to open this form.

Choose a different dashboard layoutDashboard_Design_Layout




 Item X -Hide item moves it to Hidden Items and takes away all the data. Drag it from hidden items to retrieve it. The group with all its sub tabs is removed

       Sub Tab - Hide text - Hide the tabs name, but the data is still there. Show text to show the label name.

                Sub Tab>Data - Hide item -  moves the data to hidden items - drag to retrieve it.


Drag to position the tabs















Keywords: Dashboard,Slow Movers