Financial Statements

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Go to Ledger > Statements

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EmployeeQuotesWorkshopStock ItemsSupplierCompanyCustomerInvoiceFileExtraAccount OptionsAccount SetupTax reportstatementsCorrectionsBank reconciliationGL DetailsGL EnquiryBank ManagerAdjustment JournalCash JournalGeneral_Ledger



Trial balanceSummary In GridStatements Over TimeCash FlowLevels DeepBranch GL StatementGL_Statements



1) Select the date range.

2) Select the Branch or leave blank to print a combined statement

3) Select Show Accounts with Zero Balance if you want to print all the accounts.

4) Levels Deep to Show: Reflects totals of sub categories e.g. if you adjust the number from 3 to 1 it will total all amounts in the main category (showing one amount).


Select which statement you want to display.

Trial Balance: Trial Balance Summary with beginning balances, total debits, total credits and ending balances by account.

Balance Sheet: Balance Sheet with totals for each account.

Income Statement (Profit & Loss): Detailed Income Statement by Groups and Accounts.

Cash Flows: The Cash Flow Statement report shows the company's cash transactions (the inflows and outflows) during the given period.


Statements Over Time


Projected Tax

Enter additional values that have not yet been captured.

Keywords: Balance Sheet,Cash Flow Statements,Financial Statements,Income Charts,Income Statement,Management Report,Profit & Loss,Tax Estimate,Trial Balance