Loyalty Card Types

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Loyalty Card Types

A loyalty card program is an incentive plan that has two advantages. Firstly, it allows a retail business to gather data about its customers. Secondly, it is used to build repeat business by rewarding repeat customers.

Use this module to add the different types of loyalty cards.

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Points per RandEarn PercentageThresholdsWecome Emails
Loyalty Types

Loyalty Types


Loyalty Card Fields

Loyalty Card Fields Explained

Earn %:

The percentage of points the customer will earn if he buys something.

Points Per Rand:

To calculate the monetary value of points earned, divide the points earned by the conversion rate. For example, if you have 320 points and the conversion rate is 50 points per Rand, the calculation would be 320/50 = R6.40. If the conversion rate is one-to-one, then 1 point will equal 1 Rand.

Thresholds - Invoice Count:

Loyalty Program Management

Once a customer reaches the designated count, SI+ will generate a list of customers who have met this threshold and should be sent an email for marketing purposes. For the list, go to Customer > Extra > Loyalty > Loyalty Lookup


Each loyalty card can have its own threshold. Example:


The Gold Card can have a threshold (Invoice Count) of 5.

The Platinum Card can have a threshold of 25.


When the count of 5 is reached, SI+ will automatically change the client's card type from Gold to Platinum. Whenever an invoice is processed, the loyalty card is automatically adjusted if the threshold is reached.



See also Loyalty & Gift Cards and Loyalty Card Detail


Keywords: Loyalty Card Types,Points Per Rand,Thresholds - Invoice Count