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Lookup Forms

You can create your own spreadsheets, charts, and reports by organizing data with filtering, sorting, and grouping using lookup or detail forms.

Watch the following videos:

How to Print, Email or Export Data from SI+

Lookups General

How To Email Invoices


To explain a lookup form, we are going to use the invoice lookup form as an example.

Please note that if you hover your mouse over certain parts of the form below, the cursor (Cursor) will change to a hand (Hand). Click to get specific help on that part of the form.

Select AllCheckboxGrid ReportsSortSummary BarSearch RowRecordsSelect VisiblePrintClearRefreshEdit FilterContextLookup_General


Column Header Row Explained

Sort Columns: Click on the header buttons (e.g., Date, Supplier Name, etc.) to sort the data in ascending or descending order.

Sort Multiple Columns: To sort by more than one column at the same time, hold down the Shift key while clicking on additional column headers..

Move Columns: To rearrange columns, click and drag the column headers to your desired position

Resize Columns: To adjust the column width, drag the column-resizing cursor left or right right.

Filter Row Explained

Search for Specific Data: Type your search criteria in the blue filter row located just beneath the column headings.graphic

Advanced Filtering: For more advanced filtering options, refer to Edit Filter.


Double click coloured columns to do specific tasks.


Right-Click On The Row To Open The Context Menu

Example of a Right-click menu




Right-click on the header button.

The right-click context menu will open. See image below.


Context Menu

The Context Menu Explained

Sort Ascending / Descending.

Select this option to sort your data in ascending or descending order.

Show Group By Box / Hide Group By Box)

See image above.

This option lets you show or hide the Group By Box (if it's open).

You can drag a column header (e.g., Supplier Name) to this box to group your data by that column.

To ungroup, simply drag the header back to the header row.

Remove this Column.

Right-click on the column heading you want to remove.

To re-insert the column, use the Column Chooser (explained below).

Closing and reopening the form will restore the columns to their original layout.


Column Chooser.

To re-insert removed columns or columns that is not shown.


Filter Editor

The Filter Editor dialog allows users to build filter criteria of varying complexity using either:

oThe tree-like filter builder interface

oA text editor


To open the Filter Editor, you can also click the Edit Filter button, typically located just above the horizontal scroll bar on the right side of the lookup form.

Logical OperatorFilter_Editor




The report keeps the adjusted column settings only as long as you have the report open. If you want to save your settings, use the Grid Report.

See also the Developer Express: Filter Editor tutorial.


Keywords: Column Chooser,Context Menu Explained,Filter Editor,Filter Row,Group By Box,Header Row,Lookup,Remove Column,Sort Columns,Sort Multiple Columns