Credit Note Security

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Credit Note Security

Credit Note Permissions

Credit Note Security Options Explaned


Below Cost Override

Select if you want to sell items below cost

Invoice Options > Sell below cost

Change Price

Select if you want to allow price changes in the credit note

Change Till

If you want to allow the till number to be changed.

Credit Note without Invoice

Deselect if you want to block credit notes without an invoice.

Override Invoice Age Limit

Set the age limit in Invoice Options > Credit Note tab.


Security Log: The security log records if there was a security override at the time; if the employee had rights, it records nothing.

You can configure permissions for this form using "Alternate Security Setup" rather than the security setup form.

Keywords: Credit Note,Credit Note Below Cost Override,Credit Note Block Credit Note Without Invoice,Credit Note Change Price,Credit Note Change Till,Credit Note Ovveride Invoice Age Limit