Quote Detail

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The Lookup shows all the documents and the Detail all the individual items. The analysis tab summarizes all the data.

Hover the mouse over the different menu options. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor), then click to go to the subject.

CompanyEmployeeWorkshopStock ItemsSupplierCustomerLedgerInvoiceFileSales Order OptionsPack sales OrderAllocate StockSales Order DetailNew Sales OrderSales Order LookupQuote OptionsQuote DetailNew QuoteLookupgraphic


Hover the mouse over the different fields on the form. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor) , click to get more information.

Status Wonsummary BarSearch RowUnitActive Won LostClear FilterRefreshUnitQuote_Detail

Won = Items Won  -  Q.Won = Quotes Won or Partially Won  -  Completed = Marked as completed, Won Or Lost


Analysis Tab

Items Won or Lost per Customer.

Items Won or Lost per Customer

Items Won or Lost per Customer


Items Won or Lost.



Won or Lost per Customer



Keywords: Quote Detail,Won - Quote Items