BOM Lookup

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Instructions for Accessing Bill of Materials (BOM) Items:


1. Navigate to Stock > Stock Extra > Bill Of Material.

2. In the Stock Main form, mark all items to be manufactured as BOM items. Marked items will appear in this section (see image below).

3. Right-click on the item you wish to manufacture and select Open this BOM.

Hover the mouse over the different fields on the form. If the cursor changes to a hand (Hand_Cursor) , click to get more information.

Clear FilterGrid ReportQuantity can be madeIn ProductionHas ComponentsShortfallConfirmed DemandAvailableSummary BarOpen InventoryCloseNew Production RunOpen this BOMRight-ClickUpdate List PricesBill Of Material numberEdit filterSearch rowRefresh button
Bill of Material lookup

Bill of Material lookup




Component Count

The number of items that make up this BOM item.

Has Components

It will be marked as "Has Components" if there are components added.


If an item is marked as a recipe item in the Main Stock form, the Recipe checkbox will be ticked.

In Production

The quantity you wish to make will appear in the "In Production" column if you save the Production Run form without processing it.


The Web Checkbox will be ticked If the item is marked as a web item to be uploaded to the online shop.

Quantity Can Be Made

This is the quantity that can be made if you take all the stock in all the warehouses into account.
